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Your search for "developmental" returned 20 results.

Using developmental evaluation to support inclusion

Increasingly, we’re working with non-government organisations to develop and refine initiatives that that support people with disability and increase community inclusion. At the start, it isn’t always clear what these initiatives will look like, how they’ll be delivered, or even what outcomes they’ll aim to achieve. As with most community development, they take a co-design… Read more

Engaging Children and Young People

Involving children and young people in evaluation involves careful thought and consideration. When working with diverse groups of people who face barriers to participating in evaluation activities, including children and young people, there are particular ethical considerations. Research designs involving children and young people must account for ethical considerations such as their capacity to understand… Read more

Evaluation for place based community-led programs

Several sessions at this year’s Australian Evaluation Society conference drew together reflections from funders, community organisations and evaluators collaborating to deliver community-led change initiatives. Many of these initiatives adopt developmental approaches, creating space for communities to co-create the solutions that respond to their local contexts. We’ve written about approaches to developmental evaluation here. In this… Read more

Disability and Ageing

Autism Connect – National Autism Information Line AMAZE THE CHALLENGE Since 2008, Amaze has provided the Autism Advisor Service as a gateway into the Helping Children with Autism Package and an Information Support line to provide free, independent, evidence-based, accessible autism-specific information and support for autistic people, their families and carers. With the transition to… Read more

From recovery to resilience: how can evaluation support community resilience building?

As Australian communities are increasingly impacted by extreme weather events and natural disasters, the government and community sectors supporting preparedness and recovery need more accurate information on what works for whom with resilience building efforts at the individual, household, organisational, community, and societal levels. Context, context, context As Covid has continuously reminded us, everything in… Read more

Bringing evidence together with Stolen Generation survivors’ voices for an Award-Winning Practice Framework

ARTD and Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation (KBHAC) have received the Australian Evaluation Society’s Awards for Excellence in Evaluation in the Enhancing the Social Good  category for their work together on KBHAC’s Practice Framework. The Enhancing Social Good Award recognises exemplary evaluation work that has substantially enhanced the social good and is particularly focused on… Read more


Program logic, monitoring and evaluation plan for the NSW Health Safety and Quality Essentials Pathway Clinical Excellence Commission, 2021 THE CHALLENGE The Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC) is one of the pillars of NSW Health, charged with leading, supporting and promoting improved safety and quality in clinical care across the NSW health system. As the lead… Read more

Watch and Listen

Webinars Learn about key topics in policy and evaluation with ARTD’s webinars. Complex Strategic Responses: how to collect data for decision making Emily Yorkston (26 May 2023)   ARTD-X Friday Afternoon Thinks #7 with Kara Scally-Irvine, KSI Consulting Leveraging the concept of Leverage Points to make a bigger difference (21 April) ARTD-X Friday Afternoon Thinks… Read more

On context

One of the most important considerations in determining a useful approach to any evaluation is the importance of context to the success of the initiative. Context is the battleground on which rival orientations to evaluation must and do engage. The old, the middle-aged and the new traditions of experimental, realist and systems approaches to evaluation… Read more

Making monitoring and evaluation work for NGOs

With governments increasingly contracting NGOs to deliver services, there has been a corresponding expectation that NGOs monitor and evaluate their services and report on the outcomes they have achieved. With the myriad of competing conceptual approaches to evaluation and difficult-to-decipher jargon, not to mention limited time and resources, this can be challenging for NGOs with… Read more

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