Search Results

Your search for "program logic" returned 70 results.

Evaluation for place based community-led programs

Several sessions at this year’s Australian Evaluation Society conference drew together reflections from funders, community organisations and evaluators collaborating to deliver community-led change initiatives. Many of these initiatives adopt developmental approaches, creating space for communities to co-create the solutions that respond to their local contexts. We’ve written about approaches to developmental evaluation here. In this… Read more

Don’t train and hope: Lessons from delivering and evaluating training programs

I’m a big believer in the potential of training programs. I’m part of a company that provides everyone with a personal training budget and company-wide training days, has lunchtime learning every Wednesday, and supports Australian Evaluation Society programs. Training is part of the lifelong journey that is evaluation. But I get it when my colleague,… Read more

Recovery and Resilience

Strategic advice for developing the National Plan for the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Emergency Services Workers National Recovery and Resilience Agency THE CHALLENGE The national plan for the mental health and wellbeing of emergency services workers is a recommendation of the Senate Enquiry titled The People Behind 000: Mental Health of Our First Responders…. Read more

Environment, Natural Resources and Waste Management

Litter Prevention Program Evaluation NSW Environment Protection Authority, Litter Prevention Unit (2021) THE CHALLENGE To support enhanced waste and recycling, the NSW Government was delivering Waste Less, Recycle More, a waste and recycling agenda for NSW that aimed to deliver economic, employment and environmental benefits for local communities and transform waste and recycling in NSW…. Read more

On Time – are evaluators concerned with the past, the present or the future?

Evaluators are more often than not brought in to determine the value of some action after the fact, or ex-post. Economic evaluators are sometimes brought in to determine the value of a proposed action as part of a business case, or ex-ante. Evaluators are also useful when undertaking monitoring to ensure an action is on… Read more

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