Meet our people – Ellen Wong

Find out more about our staff, their roles, and what their day to day looks like!

What was your path into evaluation/ARTD?

I had recently completed my Honours year in Environmental Studies and discovered I had a real passion for qualitative research. In my first year after graduating, I began working as a casual academic at the University of Sydney, tutoring undergrad students and doing some research assistant work on the side, while also working part time for an interdisciplinary research organisation. I was going back and forth about whether I should jump into a PhD but got some good advice that I should get some experience outside the academic world first. I decided to take a couple of months off to travel, and when I came back, began seeking out new opportunities which would leverage my background and skills, but also expose me to new ways of thinking and doing. I learnt about ARTD through one of my university professors and thought it would be a good match. I applied for a role and a couple interviews later, started as an Analyst.

Can you sum up your role as a Consultant in one sentence?

I work as part of a team to produce insights and recommendations, helping our clients find answers and make informed decisions.

What was the best opportunity/ your proudest work moment since starting at ARTD?

My proudest moment at ARTD so far was co-developing cultural watering plans with two Traditional Owner Groups in NSW. I really enjoyed the process of working closely with the communities to articulate and translate their vision into a document which advocates for their water-related rights and values. I also loved being able to return to my roots in ecology and environmental studies and learn more about all the incredible synergies between these disciplines, Traditional Knowledge, and caring for Country practices. It was a truly rewarding process that involved a commitment to deep listening and two-way learning, and I feel very privileged to have been welcomed into that space. And not to mention, we got to do a lot of fieldwork in some very beautiful Country!

What is your favourite thing about working at ARTD?

My favourite thing about ARTD is how dynamic and varied our work is. Getting to work across a diverse range of projects and sectors has and continues to teach me a lot about the world, ensuring that I never feel stagnant in my work. Beyond project work, one of the best things about working at ARTD is undoubtedly the work culture. This is my first 9-5 job and I feel very grateful to be surrounded by such supportive and clever colleagues, all of whom make ARTD a very vibrant and fun workplace.

What does a ‘day in the life’ look like for you?

One of the things I love about ARTD is that no two days are the same. A typical day in the Sydney office might involve conducting online interviews, analysing data, writing up a report or meeting with colleagues or clients to workshop findings. The next week, I might be carrying out fieldwork somewhere in regional NSW or doing some professional development work to finetune a new skill.

What’s something your clients may not know about you?

One of my favourite pastimes is wild swimming (swimming in the ocean but also rivers, lakes, waterfalls etc.) and I will plan entire trips around it! I’m also a keen scuba diver and love exploring places via their underwater worlds. On land, however, you can usually find me in the yoga, dance or Pilates studio!

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