Search Results

Your search for "developmental" returned 20 results.

How can evaluation support (not thwart) community development?

As evaluators, it’s tough to hear the criticisms levelled at evaluation by community development theorists and practitioners. But, listening to their their perspective, we can see how certain approaches to evaluation – coupled with certain expectations from funders – could thwart rather than support community development initiatives. What’s the problem? Traditional formative and summative evaluation… Read more

How can we harness systems thinking?

Like co-design and nudging, systems thinking is certainly one of the buzz words of our time. At the recent Australian Evaluation Society Conference, Michael Quinn Patton challenged evaluators to move beyond programs to systems, think globally, track interconnections, crack silos and understand interdependence; while Social Design Sydney’s September event centred on how systems thinking can… Read more

Beyond programs? Is principles-focused evaluation what you’re looking for?

For several years now, I’ve been getting more and more involved in service design, review and reconceptualization to respond to evolutions in the evidence base and the systems within which services operate. And, when I am designing an evaluation framework and strategy or conducting an evaluation, I tend not to be looking at programs, but… Read more

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