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Your search for "program logic" returned 70 results.

Connecting Evaluation and Indigenous Knowledges for Country with Practical Action – session with Associate Professor Megan Williams

Kate and Ken recently attended an interactive Australian Evaluation Society session with accomplished academic, poet and Wirajuri woman, Associate Professor Megan Williams on Connecting Evaluation and Indigenous Knowledges for Country with Practical Action. Associate Professor Megan Williams is the author of the Indigenous evaluation framework Ngaa-bin-ya, which was published in the Evaluation Journal of Australasia… Read more


Program logic, monitoring and evaluation plan for the NSW Health Safety and Quality Essentials Pathway Clinical Excellence Commission, 2021 THE CHALLENGE The Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC) is one of the pillars of NSW Health, charged with leading, supporting and promoting improved safety and quality in clinical care across the NSW health system. As the lead… Read more

Cross Cultural Communication

Kate and Kieran attended an Isentia webinar on Effective Cross-Cultural Communication in February, with speakers Fiona Peterson, CEO of The Healing Foundation and Megan Davis, Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous and Professor of Law, UNSW. The session provided some deep-at-the-core insights underpinning respectful and effective communication between non-Indigenous and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, but also… Read more

Promoting the use of Digital Technologies in Evaluations

In late 2020, as part of their Evaluation Learning Sprint series, I attended an online Australian Evaluation Society (AES) professional learning seminar on ‘Digital Evaluation’ presented by Dr Samantha Abbato, Director of Visual Insights People and Margi MacGregor of CatholicCare NT. The value of digital has certainly been hammered home during the global pandemic –… Read more

Q&A with our Director, Aboriginal Partnerships and Projects

This NAIDOC Week we are collectively reflecting on and learning about the survival, history, living culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This week our teams have been invited to reflect on our connections to the Aboriginal lands on which we work, and on the excellence in evaluation practice being showcased by… Read more

Business as unusual

Over the Easter break, I spent a lot of my time stacking and unstacking the dishwasher and doing seemingly endless loads of washing. I am enormously grateful to have access to both these appliances, especially given my daughters’ current obsession with changing their clothes every time they walk past their room. Of course, the kids… Read more

Our History

Our history ARTD founding directors, Chris Milne and David Morrissey, met when they worked together at Tranby College in Glebe in the early 1980s. Tranby was an Aboriginal-run adult educational organisation with a strong sense of political activism and deeply involved with the land rights movement around Australia. Chris was running various courses and set… Read more

Making the numbers count

Service providers are generating and collecting more data than ever before, and analysis of this data has become a standard feature of many evaluations. While these data sets are an important source of information for evaluation, they are not always in the most appropriate format. When evaluation teams and evaluation commissioners are not sufficiently prepared… Read more

Riding the rubric wave

Rubrics are a (maybe the) hot topic in evaluation right now. The rubrics sessions at the Australian Evaluation Society (AES) International Evaluation Conferences in 2018 and 2019 were standing room only and recognition of Jane Davidson’s work advancing the use of rubrics through the 2019 AEA Paul F. Lazarsfeld Evaluation Theory Award underscores the contribution… Read more

Empowerment Evaluation by David Fetterman – 2019 AES Conference Post-Workshop

As emerging evaluators, we are constantly looking to explore and learn about concepts and theories of evaluation. In the lead up to the Australia Evaluation Society (AES) International Evaluation Conference, we had particularly been exposed to certain principles associated with ‘Empowerment Evaluation’ such as capacity building and inclusion in our project work. This triggered our… Read more

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