Search Results

Your search for "program logic" returned 70 results.

Investing in Social Impact

We’re committed to supporting the non-government sector to maximise their social impact through strategic partnerships and relationships. ARTD is a partner in the NSW Government’s Office of Social Impact Investment Expert Advice Exchange (EAX), which connects non-government organisations and social enterprises with leading legal and professional services firms, financial institutions and other companies to provide… Read more

Our Story

Our story ARTD is a leading public policy consulting firm. Our core business is working with government agencies and non-government organisations to make evidence-informed policy decisions; co-design service models and delivery strategies; plan for, track and evaluate outcomes; and continuously improve performance. We are an Australian-owned firm. From a small team of three, established in… Read more

Part 4: Structure it

Making evaluation a process not just a product can enhance the likelihood of your findings being used. But at some point, you’re also going to have to deliver the product – the report. By this point, particularly in a large-scale, long-term and/or mixed-methods evaluation, you’ll have a lot of data. It can be hard to… Read more

Strengthening evaluation through a community of practice

Evaluation can be a tough gig. While everyone talks evidence-based policy, no-one really wants to hear that the policy or program they designed or have been working hard to implement is not delivering what they’d hoped. Kicking off the one-year anniversary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation’s (DFSI) Evaluation Community of Practice, Secretary… Read more

Aboriginal Affairs

Aboriginal evidence building partnership: pilot Their Futures Matter, Coffs Harbour Aboriginal Community Care Centre Inc, and Tirkandi Inaburra Cultural and Development Centre, 2018–19. THE CHALLENGE The 2015 Tune Review found that the NSW Government was failing to address the complex needs of vulnerable children and families and prevent ongoing cycles of intergenerational abuse and disadvantage,… Read more

Top tips for evaluating community development

Monitoring and evaluation support effective community development. Being ‘evaluation-minded’ will help you to assess your progress, understand whether you’ve achieved what you set out to achieve, and continue to learn and improve. However, from our experience working with community organisations, we know that the terminologies and technicalities of monitoring and evaluation can feel overwhelming. Community… Read more

Ten tips for building evaluative thinking into team planning

When it comes to strategic team planning, a neutral, external voice can help teams to navigate the process of identifying goals for the year to come and allocating resources effectively. We’ve found that integrating evaluative thinking can strengthen the process – by developing and reviewing program logics to inform planning activities. This approach can be… Read more

Uncovering the value of youth peer support

ARTD has been working closely with Youth Insearch to better articulate the theories of change that underpin their activities and conduct rigorous outcome measurement. Youth Insearch runs an early intervention program of counselling, support, mentoring and empowerment for at risk young people aged 14-20 delivered through weekend workshops, support groups, peer support, leadership and individual… Read more

Engaging Children and Young People

Involving children and young people in evaluation involves careful thought and consideration. When working with diverse groups of people who face barriers to participating in evaluation activities, including children and young people, there are particular ethical considerations. Research designs involving children and young people must account for ethical considerations such as their capacity to understand… Read more

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