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Your search for "program logic" returned 70 results.

Organisational Evaluation of Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue is one of Australia’s most well-known, trusted, and visited mental health organisations. Every three years, Beyond Blue engages an external evaluation team to conduct an independent evaluation of the organisation. In 2021, ARTD was engaged to design and deliver the fifth independent evaluation of Beyond Blue. The evaluation covered Beyond Blue’s external facing… Read more

Systems Evaluation Theory bookchat with Ralph Renger

Ralph Renger is a leader in the field of systems evaluation, and a household name for evaluators. He’s recently published System Evaluation Theory – A Blueprint for Practitioners Evaluating Complex Interventions (just in time for Christmas gifting to your best evaluator buddy). The book provides a simple three-step framework for applying systems evaluation theory in… Read more

Systems thinking for more effective disaster management

I attended an excellent IPAA Queensland session in September on ‘Rethinking Crises and Achieving Resilience in a post-COVID world’ with a panel comprised of Alistair Dawson (Inspector-General of Emergency Management), Professor Cheryl Desha (Queensland Disaster Management Research Alliance, Griffith University), Collin Sivalingum (State Emergency Services Manager, Red Cross) and Dr Anne Tiernan (Constellation Impact Advisory,… Read more

Disability and Ageing

Autism Connect – National Autism Information Line AMAZE THE CHALLENGE Since 2008, Amaze has provided the Autism Advisor Service as a gateway into the Helping Children with Autism Package and an Information Support line to provide free, independent, evidence-based, accessible autism-specific information and support for autistic people, their families and carers. With the transition to… Read more

Bringing evidence together with Stolen Generation survivors’ voices for an Award-Winning Practice Framework

ARTD and Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation (KBHAC) have received the Australian Evaluation Society’s Awards for Excellence in Evaluation in the Enhancing the Social Good  category for their work together on KBHAC’s Practice Framework. The Enhancing Social Good Award recognises exemplary evaluation work that has substantially enhanced the social good and is particularly focused on… Read more

Let’s Get Digital

Earlier this year Ken attended the Evaluation Learning Sprint webinar on Digital Evaluation with Dr Samantha Abbato, Director of Visual Insights People. It covered the benefits and challenges of using digital film and other moving elements for everything from data collection to reporting. It sounded so appealing that Kate recently attended the two-day ‘Making it… Read more

Reflections on power sharing and systems change in the non-profit and philanthropic sectors

The recent article Partner Andrew Hawkins published with American evaluation theorist and evaluator Ralph Renger, states: “Many prominent evaluators recognize the importance of accounting for contex­tual factors beyond the logic model boundaries that affect program success… If an evaluator wants to understand a constellation of interconnecting factors influencing an outcome, then a systems approach…will likely… Read more

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