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Your search for "program logic" returned 70 results.

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Webinars Learn about key topics in policy and evaluation with ARTD’s webinars. Complex Strategic Responses: how to collect data for decision making Emily Yorkston (26 May 2023)   ARTD-X Friday Afternoon Thinks #7 with Kara Scally-Irvine, KSI Consulting Leveraging the concept of Leverage Points to make a bigger difference (21 April) ARTD-X Friday Afternoon Thinks… Read more

Reflecting on the 2020 Research Society Virtual Conference

Recently some ARTD staff attended sessions from The Research Society’s virtual conference, organised under the theme Facing 2030. Presenters shared their insights on where they thought the research industry was heading over the course of the next decade. Our team reflected on this idea and considered how it might impact our work as program and… Read more

Bringing a cultural lens to ‘evidence’

The increasing demand for evidence-based policies and programs Increasingly, governments committed to ‘evidence-based’ policy making are asking funded organisations to demonstrate the outcomes of their work. The landmark Their Futures Matter (TFM) reform is a prime example of this, promising that evidence, monitoring and evaluation will drive continuous improvement across all areas of service delivery… Read more

Journal Articles

ARTD is at the forefront of evaluation theory in practice, and curiosity as one of our core values. We encourage all of our staff to publish articles in journals, such as the Evaluation Journal of Australasia. Links to articles in academic journals are provided below.

Part 5: Tell stories

In a household with two little kids, we’re pretty into stories right now. My favourite children’s books are the ones with a grabby plot, a few jokes pitched squarely to the parents, and which offer an opportunity for conversation long after the final page has been turned. We’ve had some important conversations recently after reading,… Read more

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