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Your search for "program logic" returned 70 results.

Growing the evidence base through evaluation

At a recent Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) event there was much discussion about growing the evidence base for a sector that encompasses many diverse and complex programs. Government departments and other organisations are increasingly attempting to consolidate evidence for public policies and programs to make it easier to understand their effectiveness… Read more

Using developmental evaluation to support inclusion

Increasingly, we’re working with non-government organisations to develop and refine initiatives that that support people with disability and increase community inclusion. At the start, it isn’t always clear what these initiatives will look like, how they’ll be delivered, or even what outcomes they’ll aim to achieve. As with most community development, they take a co-design… Read more

How do you build trust in evidence in an era of public scepticism?

The worrying decline in trust of public institutions – in Australia and across other western nations – has been a topic of much recent discussion. In a time where evidence and expertise are treated with increasing public scepticism, what then, is the role of evidence-based insights? The 2018 AMSRS Social and Government Data, Evidence, Insights… Read more

How can we harness systems thinking?

Like co-design and nudging, systems thinking is certainly one of the buzz words of our time. At the recent Australian Evaluation Society Conference, Michael Quinn Patton challenged evaluators to move beyond programs to systems, think globally, track interconnections, crack silos and understand interdependence; while Social Design Sydney’s September event centred on how systems thinking can… Read more

Building the bigger picture: using the SDGs in evaluation

When evaluating, should we be focusing solely on the program or should we endeavour to consider its entire ecosystem? At the Australasian Evaluation Society NSW event last month, Michael Reid, Managing Director at The Keyline Group, looked at how we can use the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (the ‘SDGs’) as a framework for taking… Read more

Outcome Mapping: unpacking the black box between outputs and impacts

My recent internship at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) in Stockholm raised a number of important questions for me about how to monitor and evaluate international development programs. Trying to demonstrate a program’s ‘impact’ can often feel overwhelming, given that development goals are long-term and complex processes dependent on a… Read more

Co-design as the reimagining, repositioning and redistribution of expertise

The idea that there might be a crisis of expertise in policymaking – a questioning of the role and legitimacy of expertise – is challenging for a public policy consultant. But, for an evaluator, it’s a given that evaluative evidence is only one piece in the policymaking puzzle. We might want it to have more… Read more

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